Have you ever thought about using an HRA to reduce your fixed health care cost? Studies show that groups who elect this option can save 15%-20% on their overall health care spend
Do you want to lower your deductible without driving your premium costs through the roof? We can show you how to give your employees “Big Company” benefits at a price your small business can afford
Market forces? Every wonder what the consolidation in the health insurance business does to competition? Does lack of competition hurt your bottom line? We can show you how to bring true market forces to bear on your plan to put true competition to work for you and your employees. Rest assured, it is more involved that just putting quotes on a spreadsheet
Plan Management: Looking to simplify enrollments, reduce paperwork, manage eligibility etc. Let our electronic enrollment system handle all of this for you!
“I’ve made a lot of good decisions since taking this organization over, but maybe the best one is picking Peak Benefits as our Brokers. You guys have been incredible.”
R.L. Colo Springs